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How to Create a Custom Video

It takes just a few clicks to produce and share a slick and engaging branded video!

1 Create Video

Just a few clicks produces a slick Production Video:


  •   Select Answer Videos  Simple choose one or more answer videos to include in the video. You can rearrange their order as you like.



  •   Choose Production Settings  Pick a Template, a Theme (which can include your colors and logos), and configure some optional settings:


    • Title You can give your Production Video a Title. Titles are displayed during the Intro and the Conclusion. Titles are particularly useful when the Production Video includes multiple different Questions.

    • Captions If enabled, Captions are displayed at the bottom of the Production Video.

    • Background Sound AnswerStage provides a set of sounds you can choose to have running as background sound. Note that background sound volume is automatically reduced during Speaker Response Video sections of the Production Video.

    • Speaker Labels By default, Speaker profile fields are shown as a label during the playback of their respective Speaker Response Videos. You can choose to disable Speaker Labels.

    • Omit Intro By default, Production Videos include an Intro which shows the Title. If you choose to omit the Intro and include a Title, the Title will only be displayed during the Conclusion.


  •   Create Video  Click Create Video. Your Production Video will be produced by AnswerStage’s cloud-based engine and will be available within a few minutes. After production has completed, you can choose to enable Speaker Share (see below).


How to Create a Custom Video

2 Share Anywhere

AnswerStage provides several methods to share your Production Video:

How to Create a Custom Video


  •   Direct Share  Using the AnswerStage mobile app, you can share directly to LinkedIn, Twitter, Youtube, and Email.



  •   Share a Link  AnswerStage provides a link to the cloud-hosted video which you can share to any social platform, link from a blog post, send via Email, or send via Text Message.



  •   Download and Share  You can download the video to your device and share from there to any social platform.



  •   Share with contributors  If you choose Share with Contributors (which you can do after the Production Video has been produced and you are satisfied with it), the Contributors included in your Production Video can also share that video, dramatically increasing its reach. 


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