Introducing the AnswerStage ChatGPT Q&A Video Maker


New CustomGPT Uses AI to Create Videos Featuring Real People

Creating engaging, authentic videos is more important than ever.  With the growth of AI-generated content, the most distinctive and effective form of marketing is created by real people addressing real questions and topics. By becoming a trusted resource, people will turn to you when it’s time to make a purchase. As Daniel Pink, author of the book “To Sell is Human” said:


“To sell well today, you need to be helpful, not pushy.”


But for many businesses, creating videos featuring employees, customers or partners is easier said than done. Historically it has taken a lot of time, external resources and equipment.  This challenge has a growing number of companies turning to AI and synthesized avatars as a more efficient work-around.  These solutions have their place in training, HR and other internal applications, but they present a high risk for marketers.  Creating content with replicated or fake people can be viewed as a breach of trust.  

The AnswerStage ChatGPT Q&A Video Maker is designed to solve this problem by automating the process of creating Q&A videos featuring real people.  A process that previously consumed hours of time now takes just minutes. 

More than just technology, the AnswerStage ChatGPT Q&A Video Maker addresses another major challenge: What we call “blank slate syndrome.” It’s that moment when you’re motivated to create a video but find yourself staring at an empty screen, unsure of where to start. What topic should you address? How long should the video be? And most importantly, how can you be sure it will resonate with your audience?

Video marketers benefit from a guide—something that doesn’t just help them start but walks them through the entire process, ensuring the final product is not just another piece of content but a helpful, authentic expression of their expertise. 

Why the AnswerStage ChatGPT Q&A Video Maker is a Powerful Solution

The Q&A format of AnswerStage videos fits perfectly with the conversational, chat interface of ChatGPT.   The natural language interface makes it easier for users to generate relevant topics, set up their branding, and even create teleprompter scripts or talking points to view while recording.

With AI guiding users through these steps, the Q&A Video Maker GPT doesn’t just help them overcome the blank slate—it turns what could be an overwhelming task into an intuitive, automated experience. It’s the closest thing to having a personal content coach by your side, ensuring that your videos are not only polished but also deeply authentic.

Applications include:

  • Testimonials
  • Commentary on trends and news
  • Advocacy for causes
  • How-to advice
  • Product announcements
  • Building excitement around events
  • Recruiting
  • Fun facts and humor

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Our CustomGPT Development Journey: Lessons-Learned and Milestones Reached

When we decided to develop a CustomGPT we entered uncharted and largely undocumented territory. Our team approached it as a strategic priority, recognizing that this could redefine how our users create video content. The process was iterative, with multiple phases of testing to ensure we addressed every possible challenge.

One significant hurdle was the usage limits imposed by ChatGPT on free users. We knew that if users hit their limit partway through the process, it would disrupt their experience and diminish the effectiveness of the tool. To counter this, we developed an Assistant—also powered by ChatGPT but hosted on our domain at—as a fallback option, ensuring a seamless experience even if users reached ChatGPT’s session limit.

We also focused on removing friction from the user experience by removing the requirement for immediate registration. This required innovative backend solutions, such as creating temporary accounts that could be later linked to the user’s full account once their video was produced and ready for them to view and share.

Looking to the Future:
Expanding the Capabilities the AnswerStage ChatGPT Q&A Video Maker

We see the Q&A Video Maker GPT as a foundational element of AnswerStage’s future. It’s not just about solving today’s problems; it’s about laying the groundwork for more advanced features that will make video content creation even more automated. 

We’re already working on adding more intelligence around branding so clients can automatically generate backgrounds, colors, fonts, and other elements that align with their brand’s attributes and personality. Additionally, we’re exploring options to string together multiple questions, allowing users to create more extended “interviews” that dive deeper into their areas of expertise.

AnswerStage’s Goal: Transform “Artificial” into “Authentic” and Why It Matters

Developing a Q&A Video Maker GPT is more than just a new feature—it’s a pivotal step forward for AnswerStage. By committing to the continued development and enhancement of this CustomGPT, we’re dedicated to a future where AI and authenticity go hand-in-hand. 

“Content marketing is simply the act of teaching and problem solving to earn buyer trust.” – Marcus Sheridan author of They Ask, You Answer

With growth of AI, there will be a torrent of AI-generated content used in marketing.  Featuring real people addressing real questions and problems will continue to be the most distinctive form of marketing and the best way to build lasting relationships.  AnswerStage empowers businesses, associations and other organizations to create these types of human-centric videos that truly connect with prospects and customers.  

We’re excited about what the Q&A Video Maker GPT by AnswerStage can do for our clients and for the future of video content creation. We invite you to try it out for yourself.  

You can try it out for free at